Results for 'Aluísio Miranda Von Zuben'

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  1.  13
    Apontamentos de Introdução Sobre o Problema da Filosofia da Linguagem.Aluísio Miranda Von Zuben - 2024 - Basilíade - Revista de Filosofia 6 (11):101-114.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo apontar alguns problemas lógicos ilustrativos das dificuldades que a linguagem pode acarretar, quando aplicada a propósitos científicos, para justificar o surgimento da filosofia da linguagem. Os comentários aqui realizados, porém, se restringem à tradição da lógica clássica, destacando as contribuições de Aristóteles, Leibniz e Frege. Mas busca-se mostrar também que, posteriormente, houve uma grande elevação da complexidade das questões envolvidas, dado o aprofundamento do vínculo da lógica com a matemática.
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    Avaliação Dos Principais Livros Didáticos de Filosofia Para o Ensino Médio Existentes No Mercado Editorial Brasileiro.Marcos Camargos Von Zuben, Joelson Silva de Araújo & Izanete de Medeiros Costa - 2013 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 20:157-178.
    Este artigo apresenta os resultados de pesquisa que teve como objetivo a avaliação de oito livros didáticos de filosofia para o ensino médio, selecionados como os principais livros disponíveis no mercado editorial brasileiro. Apresenta o referencial teórico sobre conteúdos e metodologias mais adequadas para o ensino de filosofia no nível médio, expõe a metodologia empregada para a análise dos livros e discute os resultados obtidos.
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    Aspectos educacionais do ensino de Filosofia.Marcos Von Zuben - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 1.
    A proposta de reflexão sobre os aspectos educacionais do ensino da filosofia nos coloca diante de uma pergunta que podemos formular nos seguinte termos: qual o papel da filosofia na formação das crianças, dos jovens, dos adultos? ou qual o valor educativo do discurso e da reflexão filosófica? Dessa forma, se coloca a questão sobre a prática de um discurso filosófico e seus efeitos educacionais sobre as pessoas que se iniciam nela. Vê-se, de início, que a dimensão da formação do (...)
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    Crítica À Idéia de Formação a Partir da Obra de Foucault.Marco de Camargo von Zuben & Marcelo Senna Guimarães - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 6:36-44.
    Neste texto, pretende-se investigar a apropriação das idéias de Foucault em textos de Jorge Larrosa, na medida em que essa apropriação contribui para a discussão da formação. Através da análise dos modos como a pedagogia é produtora de subjetividades, Larrosa pretende construir as bases de um método que permita avaliar exemplos pedagógicos concretos.
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    Emuna e pistis: a noção de fé no pensamento de Martin Buber.Newton Aquiles von Zuben - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (45):132-160.
    paradigma estabelecido pela dualidade de “palavras-princípio” Eu-Tu e Eu-Isso, a intuição axial do pensamento dialógico de Martin Buber se constitui como pedra angular de sua obra sobre religião: a dupla disposição de um homem-Eu e de Deus-Tu fundada num encontro recíproco. A fé – Glauben - é a resposta do homem a Deus, no encontro no qual Ele se mostra pela Palavra como Tu Eterno na revelação como mistério de Presença. Buber propõe duas maneiras opostas de crer: de um lado, (...)
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    Piedade popular e o culto a Maria: um olhar a partir do Diretório de Piedade Popular e Liturgia e da Exortação Apostólica Marialis Cultus.Newton Aquiles Von Zuben & Robert Donizeti Landgraf - 2018 - Revista de Cultura Teológica 91:209-228.
    O presente artigo apresenta uma pesquisa sobre o que a instituição católica entende por piedade popular, tendo como base o Diretório de Piedade Popular e Liturgia, para em seguida, abordar o tema piedade popular mariana, com suas características próprias, como sentimento via cordis, exuberância, expressividade, vitalidade e caráter maravilhoso, e analisar a postura do catolicismo oficial, diante dessa maneira de vivenciar a fé. Posto isso, pesquisou-se o culto mariano, tendo como horizonte a exortação apostólica Marialis Cultus, de Paulo VI, que (...)
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    Rubem Alves, teólogo da esperança.Newton Aquiles Von Zuben - 2015 - Filosofia E Educação 7 (1):15.
    Não importa nossa crença ou descrença, que nosso anseio à sabedoria tome a forma de uma meditação sobre a vida ou uma meditação sobre a morte, quando esta irrompe como um ladrão, sem avisar o dia e a hora, não nos é possível frear um sentimento de estupor e de tristeza. A morte do Rubem, tirado do afeto dos seus, excluído da amizade de seus colegas, é daquelas que provocam a incompreensão diante da injustiça do destino.
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    Artificial Abduction: A Cumulative Evolutionary Process.Artemis Moroni, Jônatas Manzolli & Fernando J. Von Zuben - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):343-362.
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    Instante.Helio Fernandes Viana & Marcos de Camargo Von Zuben - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (2):79-98.
    Este artigo discute a experiência do Instante (Augenblick) à luz da ontologia da subjetividade desenvolvida por Kierkegaard, Nietzsche e Heidegger. O trabalho propõe que o Instante constitui uma experiência concreta de ruptura que tem como fundo e correlato a mediania pública niveladora. No Instante, instala-se a angústia que revela o domínio do público sobre a subjetividade (como publicidade, niilismo e domínio técnico). Ao mesmo tempo, revela-se a possibilidade de recuperação do ser si mesmo (Selbst) mais próprio na singularidade. Conversão, superação, (...)
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    Teatro Filosófico: Aprender e Ensinar Filosofia Com Deleuze.Aldo Batista de Azevedo Júnior & Marcos de Camargo von Zuben - 2020 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 34:140-158.
    O artigo aborda o ensino e a aprendizagem de filosofia a partir da noção de criação de conceitos, conforme o entendimento de Deleuze. Para isso, discute o que significa criar conceitos em filosofia, associando essa concepção a uma nova imagem do pensamento que entende a criação de conceitos como o dizer do acontecimento, o sentido incorporal produzido pelo efeito do encontro dos corpos. Depois estabelece os vínculos entre o sentido e o acontecimento com uma nova imagem sobre ensinar e aprender (...)
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    A fenomenologia como retorno à ontologia em Martin Heidegger.Newton Aquiles von Zuben - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (2):85-102.
    a elaboração de uma ontologia fenomenológica era uma possibilidade inscrita no próprio projeto filosófico husserliano. Em que sentido, no entanto, o espírito da máxima da ?volta às coisas mesmas? serviu de inspiração ao retorno à questão do ser? Em que medida as elaborações ontológicas que se atribuíram o título de fenomenológicas permaneceram fiéis ao espírito geral e às diretrizes formais do pensamento de Husserl? É na tentativa de responder a essas questões que nos propomos examinar a posição especial de Heidegger (...)
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    Tu Eterno e religiosidade no pensamento de Martin Buber.Newton Aquiles von Zuben - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (38).
  13.  41
    Die Entwicklung von Konzepten der epistemischen Ungerechtigkeit.Miranda Fricker - 2023 - In Sebastian Schleidgen, Orsolya Friedrich & Andreas Wolkenstein, Bedeutung und Implikationen epistemischer Ungerechtigkeit. Tectum – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 15-30.
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    Dissoziation als Konzept der Ethik und Sozialkritik.Anita Horn - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 10 (2).
    Ausgehend von der Kritik einer fehlenden psychologisch informierten Subjekttheorie als Grundlage der Theorie Epistemischer Ungerechtigkeiten von Miranda Fricker wird der Begriff der Dissoziation als sozialphilosophisches Kriterium eingeführt. Die philosophische Technik der Dissoziation wird im Verhältnis zum psychologischen Verständnis des Begriffs diskutiert. Es wird die These vertreten, dass dissoziative Mechanismen und Phänomene innerpsychische und kollektive Prozesse miterklären können, die zur Genese und Aufrechterhaltung epistemischer Ungerechtigkeiten sowie insbesondere zur Persistenz von Ideologien beitragen.
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  15. Das Private ist politisch! Hermeneutische Ungerechtigkeit als Alltagserfahrung.Alexander Brödner - 2024 - Ethik Und Unterricht 2.
    Mithilfe der Theorie zur hermeneutischen Ungerechtigkeit von Miranda Fricker und anhand von Beispielen aus dem Alltag wird die Frage gestellt, inwiefern wir unsere privaten Erfahrungen und damit unser Selbst nicht artikulieren können, weil es dafür keine öffentlich geteilten sprachlichen Deutungsmuster gibt, und was wir daran ändern können.
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  16. I—Miranda Fricker: The Relativism of Blame and Williams's Relativism of Distance.Miranda Fricker - 2010 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 84 (1):151-177.
    Bernard Williams is a sceptic about the objectivity of moral value, embracing instead a qualified moral relativism—the ‘relativism of distance’. His attitude to blame too is in part sceptical. I will argue that the relativism of distance is unconvincing, even incoherent; but also that it is detachable from the rest of Williams's moral philosophy. I will then go on to propose an entirely localized thesis I call the relativism of blame, which says that when an agent's moral shortcomings by our (...)
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    Die epistemische Ambiguität der Verwundbarkeit.Mariana Teixeira - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 9 (1):155-178.
    Angesichts der angeblichen axiologischen Neutralität des Wissens, die in Teilen der Wissenschaft proklamiert wird, bieten seit langem mehrere philosophische Strömungen verschiedene Darstellungen der internen Verbindung zwischen Wissen und Machtverhältnissen. Diese reiche Geschichte umfasst Beiträge u. a. aus dem Poststrukturalismus, dem Marxismus, der Kritischen Theorie, den Decolonial und Critical Race Studies, dem Feminismus und den Theorien der epistemischen Ungerechtigkeit. Trotz ihrer vielen theoretischen Divergenzen stimmen sie alle mit der grundlegenden diagnostischen Prämisse überein, dass Machtungleichheiten eine bedeutsame Rolle bei der Definition dessen (...)
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    Was ist ungerecht an epistemischer Ungerechtigkeit?Bettina Bussmann, Benedikt Leitgeb & Philipp Mayr - 2023 - In Bettina Bussmann & Philipp Mayr, Theoretisches Philosophieren und Lebensweltorientierung: Ein Wegweiser für Hochschule und Schule. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 143-164.
    Dürfen wir die Überzeugungen und Erfahrungen anderer einfach ignorieren oder bagatellisieren? In gewissen Fällen mag das plausibel sein. Aber Menschen ignorieren die Überzeugungen gewisser Personen und Gruppen oft ohne nachvollziehbaren Grund, indem sie sie aufgrund von Vorurteilen als Unwissende abstempeln. In solchen Fällen werden Personen ungerechterweise von der gesellschaftlichen Praxis der Wissensproduktion und Wissensweitergabe abgeschnitten. Die Philosophin Miranda Fricker bezeichnet dies als „epistemische Ungerechtigkeit“. In diesem Beitrag wird exemplarisch für das große Feld der sozialen Erkenntnistheorie die gesellschaftliche und philosophische (...)
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  19. Epistemic injustice: power and the ethics of knowing.Miranda Fricker - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
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    José Porfirio Miranda de la Parra: Una vida entre Marx y la Biblia.María Adela Oliveros de Miranda - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 7:297-306.
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  21. What's the Point of Blame? A Paradigm Based Explanation.Miranda Fricker - 2014 - Noûs 50 (1):165-183.
    When we hope to explain and perhaps vindicate a practice that is internally diverse, philosophy faces a methodological challenge. Such subject matters are likely to have explanatorily basic features that are not necessary conditions. This prompts a move away from analysis to some other kind of philosophical explanation. This paper proposes a paradigm based explanation of one such subject matter: blame. First, a paradigm form of blame is identified—‘Communicative Blame’—where this is understood as a candidate for an explanatorily basic form (...)
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    Philosophical Health.Luis de Miranda (ed.) - 2023 - Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för idé- och lärdomshistoria.
    Grounded in ideas about sense-making and whole-person care with a long intellectual heritage, the movement for Philosophical Health—with its specific conceptions of philosophical care and counselling—is a relatively recent addition to the ongoing debate about understanding better the perspectives of patients to improve health practice. This article locates the development of this movement within the context of broader discussions of person-centred care (PCC), arguing that the approach advocated by defenders of philosophical health can provide a straightforward method for implementing PCC (...)
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  23. Epistemic justice as a condition of political freedom?Miranda Fricker - 2013 - Synthese 190 (7):1317-1332.
    I shall first briefly revisit the broad idea of ‘epistemic injustice’, explaining how it can take either distributive or discriminatory form, in order to put the concepts of ‘testimonial injustice’ and ‘hermeneutical injustice’ in place. In previous work I have explored how the wrong of both kinds of epistemic injustice has both an ethical and an epistemic significance—someone is wronged in their capacity as a knower. But my present aim is to show that this wrong can also have a political (...)
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  24. Tapping into the unimpossible: Philosophical health in lives with spinal cord injury.Luis de Miranda, Richard Levi & Anestis Divanoglou - forthcoming - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 29 (7):1203-1210.
    Background We investigated the personal philosophies of eight persons with a tetraplegic condition (four male, four female), all living in Sweden with a chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) and all reporting a good life. Our purpose was to discover if there is a philosophical mindset that may play a role in living a good life with a traumatic SCI. Methods Two rounds of in-depth qualitative interviews were performed by the same interviewer, a philosophical practitioner by training (de Miranda). The (...)
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  25. Forgiveness—An Ordered Pluralism.Miranda Fricker - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (3):241-260.
    There are two kinds of forgiveness that appear as radically different from one another: one presents forgiveness as essentially earned through remorseful apology; the other presents it as fundamentally non-earned—a gift. The first, which I label Moral Justice Forgiveness, adopts a stance of moral demand and conditionality; the second, which I label Gifted Forgiveness, adopts a stance of non-demand and un-conditionality. Each is real; yet how can two such different responses to wrongdoing be of one and the same kind? This (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Rational authority and social power: Towards a truly social epistemology.Miranda Fricker - 1998 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 98 (2):159–177.
    This paper explores the relation between rational authority and social power, proceeding by way of a philosophical genealogy derived from Edward Craig's Knowledge and the State of Nature. The position advocated avoids the errors both of the 'traditionalist' (who regards the socio-political as irrelevant to epistemology) and of the 'reductivist' (who regards reason as just another form of social power). The argument is that a norm of credibility governs epistemic practice in the state of nature, which, when socially manifested, is (...)
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    Conceptos de injusticia epistémica en evolución.Miranda Fricker - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):97-104.
    Este texto es la traducción del capítulo cuarto de The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice, editado por Ian James Kidd, José Medina y Gaile Pohlhaus Jr. En él, Miranda Fricker aclara y delimita los conceptos de injusticia hermenéutica y testimonial, proporcionando ejemplos, narrando su genealogía, respondiendo a algunas de las críticas que recibieron estos conceptos, así como estableciendo relaciones de semejanza y contraste con otras concepciones de la justicia y otras ramas de la filosofía.
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  28. Epistemic injustice and a role for virtue in the politics of knowing.Miranda Fricker - 2003 - Metaphilosophy 34 (1/2):154-173.
    The dual aim of this article is to reveal and explain a certain phenomenon of epistemic injustice as manifested in testimonial practice, and to arrive at a characterisation of the anti–prejudicial intellectual virtue that is such as to counteract it. This sort of injustice occurs when prejudice on the part of the hearer leads to the speaker receiving less credibility than he or she deserves. It is suggested that where this phenomenon is systematic it constitutes an important form of oppression. (...)
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    Ensemblance: The Transnational Genealogy of Esprit de Corps.Luis de Miranda - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Through several historical case studies from the last 300 years, Luis de Miranda shows how the phrase 'esprit de corps' acts as a combat concept with a clear societal impact. He also reveals how interconnected, yet distinct, French, English and American modern intellectual and political thought is.
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  30. Group Testimony? The Making of A Collective Good Informant.Miranda Fricker - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 84 (2):249-276.
    We gain information from collective, often institutional bodies all the time—from the publications of committees, news teams, or research groups, from web sites such as Wikipedia, and so on—but do these bodies ever function as genuine group testifiers as opposed to mere group sources of information? In putting the question this way I invoke a distinction made, if briefly, by Edward Craig, which I believe to be of deep significance in thinking about the distinctiveness of the speech act of testimony. (...)
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  31. Replies to Alcoff, Goldberg, and Hookway on Epistemic Injustice.Miranda Fricker - 2010 - Episteme 7 (2):164-178.
    In this paper I respond to three commentaries on Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing. In response to Alcoff, I primarily defend my conception of how an individual hearer might develop virtues of epistemic justice. I do this partly by drawing on empirical social psychological evidence supporting the possibility of reflective self-regulation for prejudice in our judgements. I also emphasize the fact that individual virtue is only part of the solution – structural mechanisms also have an essential role (...)
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    Institutionalized Testimonial Injustices: The Construction of a Confession Myth.Miranda Fricker - 2023 - Journal of Dialectics of Nature 45 (7):1-12.
    I start by acquainting the reader with key themes from my 2007 book, Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing, sketching the background of British academic culture from which it grew. Moving swiftly into the present, and to the social context of the U.S., I then offer some new thoughts concerning institutional epistemic vices and explore, in particular, one important form of institutionalized epistemic vice that is exemplified by a standardly recommended police procedure for interrogating suspects.
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  33. Crealectic Intelligence.Luis de Miranda - 2021 - In Vlad Petre Glăveanu, The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible. Palgrave Macmillan.
    The emerging crealectic frame posits that there are three complementary and effectual domains of intelligence, namely analytic, dialectic, and crealectic, being alternatively or complementarily used in human interactions with the world. The focus of crealectic intelligence is the relative possibilization and local realization of absolute possibility, the becoming real, biological, and social of creation. This multimodal externalization and asymptotic unification of a cosmological flux expresses itself via three realms of possibilization: physical, psychological, and philosophical. But the philosophical possible is not (...)
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  34. Epistemic Oppression and Epistemic Privilege.Miranda Fricker - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (sup1):191–210.
    [T]he dominated live in a world structured by others for their purposes — purposes that at the very least are not our own and that are in various degrees inimical to our development and even existence.We are perhaps used to the idea that there are various species of oppression: political, economic, or sexual, for instance. But where there is the phenomenon that Nancy Hartsock picks out in saying that the world is “structured” by the powerful to the detriment of the (...)
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  35. Bernard Williams as a Philosopher of Ethical Freedom.Miranda Fricker - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (8):919-933.
    Interpreting Bernard Williams’s ethical philosophy is not easy. His style is deceptively conversational; apparently direct, yet argumentatively inexplicit and allusive. He is moreover committed to evading ready-made philosophical “-isms.” All this reinforces the already distinct impression that the structure of his philosophy is a web of interrelated commitments where none has unique priority. Against this impression, however, I will venture that the contours of his philosophy become clearest if one considers that there is a single, unchanging root conviction from which (...)
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    Diagnosing Institutionalized ‘Distrustworthiness’.Miranda Fricker - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 73 (3):722-742.
    I consider Katherine Hawley's commitment account of interpersonal trustworthiness alongside her sceptical challenge regarding the value of philosophically modelling institutional trustworthiness as distinct from reliability. I argue, pace Hawley's challenge, that there would be significant diagnostic and explanatory loss if we were to content ourselves with ideas of institutional (un)reliability alone; and I offer an illustrative case where institutional unreliability is only the half of it, indicating that when it comes to certain kinds of institutional dysfunction, we do need philosophical (...)
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  37. The Cambridge Companion to Feminism in Philosophy.Miranda Fricker & Jennifer Hornsby (eds.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    The thirteen specially-commissioned essays in this volume are written by philosophers at the forefront of feminist scholarship, and are designed to provide an accessible and stimulating guide to a philosophical literature that has seen massive expansion in recent years. Ranging from history of philosophy through metaphysics to philosophy of science, they encompass all the core subject areas commonly taught in anglophone undergraduate and graduate philosophy courses, offering both an overview of and a contribution to the relevant debates. Together they testify (...)
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  38. Powerlessness and social interpretation.Miranda Fricker - 2006 - Episteme 3 (1-2):96-108.
    Our understanding of social experiences is central to our social understanding more generally. But this sphere of epistemic practice can be structurally prejudiced by unequal relations of power, so that some groups suffer a distinctive kind of epistemic injustice—hermeneutical injustice. I aim to achieve a clear conception of this epistemicethical phenomenon, so that we have a workable definition and a proper understanding of the wrong that it inflicts.
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  39. Introducing the SMILE_PH method : Sense-making interviews looking at elements of philosophical health.Luis de Miranda - forthcoming - Methodological Innovations.
    The present article is a primary introduction to the semi-structured interviewing method SMILE_PH, an acronym for Sense-Making Interviews Looking at Elements of Philosophical Health. Beyond grounding this new methodology theoretically (a work that is started here but will in the future necessitate several developments), the main motivation here is pragmatic: to provide the recent philosophical health movement with a testable method and show that philosophically-oriented interviews are possible in a manner that can be reproduced, compared, tested and used systematically with (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Scepticism and the Genealogy of Knowledge: Situating Epistemology in Time.Miranda Fricker - 2008 - Philosophical Papers 37 (1):27-50.
    My overarching purpose is to illustrate the philosophical fruitfulness of expanding epistemology not only laterally across the social space of other epistemic subjects, but at the same time vertically in the temporal dimension. I set about this by first presenting central strands of Michael Williams' diagnostic engagement with scepticism, in which he crucially employs a Default and Challenge model of justification. I then develop three key aspects of Edward Craig's ‘practical explication' of the concept of knowledge so that they may (...)
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  41. (1 other version)Can There Be Institutional Virtues?Miranda Fricker - 2005 - Oxford Studies in Epistemology 3:235-252.
  42. Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory: A New Conversation —Afterword.Miranda Fricker - 2016 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (4).
    The notion of recognition is an ethically potent resource for understanding human relational needs; and its negative counterpart, misrecognition, an equally potent resource for critique. Axel Honneth’s rich account focuses our attention on recognition’s role in securing basic self-confidence, moral self-respect, and self-esteem. With these loci of recognition in place, we are enabled to raise the intriguing question whether each of these may be extended to apply specifically to the epistemic dimension of our agency and selfhood. Might we talk intelligibly—while (...)
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  43. The Value of Knowledge and The Test of Time.Miranda Fricker - 2009 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 64:121-138.
    The current literature on the value of knowledge is marred by two unwarranted presumptions, which together distort the debate and conceal what is perhaps the most basic value of knowledge, as distinct from mere true belief. These presumptions are the Synchronic Presumption, which confines philosophical attention to the present snapshot in time; and the Analytical Presumption, which has people look for the value of knowledge in some kind of warrant. Together these presumptions conceal that the value of knowledge might inhere (...)
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  44. Fault and no-fault responsibility for implicit prejudice: a space for epistemic 'agent-regret'.Miranda Fricker - 2016 - In Michael Brady & Miranda Fricker, The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of Collectives. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
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  45. On the Concept of Creal: The Politico-Ethical Horizon of a Creative Absolute.Luis De Miranda - 2017 - In De Miranda Luis, The Dark Precursor: Deleuze and Artistic Research. Leuven University Press. pp. 510-516.
    Process philosophies tend to emphasise the value of continuous creation as the core of their discourse. For Bergson, Whitehead, Deleuze, and others the real is ultimately a creative becoming. Critics have argued that there is an irreducible element of (almost religious) belief in this re-evaluation of immanent creation. While I don’t think belief is necessarily a sign of philosophical and existential weakness, in this paper I will examine the possibility for the concept of universal creation to be a political and (...)
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  46. Is A New Life Possible? Deleuze and the Lines.Miranda Luis de - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (1):106-152.
    In his dialogues with Claire Parnet, Deleuze asserts that: ‘Whether we are individuals or groups, we are made of lines’ (Deleuze and Parnet 2007: 124). In A Thousand Plateaus (with Guattari), Deleuze calls these kinds of ‘lifelines’ or ‘lines of flesh’: break line (or segmental line, or molar line), crack line (or molecular line) and rupture line (also called line of flight) (Deleuze and Guattari 2004a: 22). We will explain the difference between these three lines and how they are related (...)
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  47. Think Interview: Epistemic Injustice.Miranda Fricker & Stephen Law - 2023 - Think 22 (64):15-21.
    Over the centuries, many philosophers have written about injustice. More recently, attention has turned to a previously little-recognized form of injustice – epistemic injustice. The philosopher Miranda Fricker coined the phrase ‘epistemic injustice’ – an example being when your credibility as a source of knowledge is unjustly downgraded (perhaps because you are ‘just a woman’ of the ‘wrong’ race). This interview with Miranda explores what epistemic injustice is, and why it is important.
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    Autoscopic phenomena and one’s own body representation in dreams.Miranda Occhionero & Piera Carla Cicogna - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1009-1015.
    Autoscopic phenomena are complex experiences that include the visual illusory reduplication of one’s own body. From a phenomenological point of view, we can distinguish three conditions: autoscopic hallucinations, heautoscopy, and out-of-body experiences. The dysfunctional pattern involves multisensory disintegration of personal and extrapersonal space perception. The etiology, generally either neurological or psychiatric, is different. Also, the hallucination of Self and own body image is present during dreams and differs according to sleep stage. Specifically, the representation of the Self in REM dreams (...)
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    7 Virtue ethics in the twentieth century.Miranda Fricker Crisp, Brad Hooker, Simon Kirchin, Kelvin Knight, Adrian Moore & Daniel C. Russell - 2013 - In Daniel C. Russell, The Cambridge companion to virtue ethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  50. Styles of moral relativism : a critical family tree.Miranda Fricker - 2013 - In Roger Crisp, The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter focuses on the different styles of moral relativism. The history of moral relativist thinking features different branches to the family tree, each representing a different impetus to relativism, and so producing a different style of moral relativist thought. At the root, however, is a broadly subjectivist parent idea that morality is at least in part the upshot of a shared way of life, and shared ways of life tend to vary markedly from culture to culture. The discussions cover (...)
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